BDL Audit Drama

1.A short thread about latest drama surrounding proposed forensic audit of #Lebanon’s Central bank, also known as BDL. 2.A rundown of events is the following: Current lame duck cabinet had hired Alvarez & Marsal to conduct a forensic audit of the Central Bank where a lot of indiscretions are alleged to have occurred over past […]

تعافي لبنان من أمراضه الاقتصادية يقع على عاتق قادته الفاسدين الذين أوصلوه إليه في المقام الأول. يجب عليهم إجراء إصلاحات من أجل الحفاظ على أنفسهم و امتيازاتهم

Article in English منذ احتجاجات ١٧ أكتوبر / تشرين الأول العام الماضي وما تلاها من استقالة حكومة الحريري الأخيرة ، يمر لبنان بأزمة اقتصادية ومالية تلو الأخرى. سواء كان ذلك الركود الاقتصادي العميق الذي أعقبته أزمة سيولة مصرفية غير مسبوقة بلغت ذروتها في أول تخلف للبنان عن الوفاء بالتزامات ديونه السيادية وما أعقب ذلك من […]

Lebanon’s recovery from its economic maladies lies with its corrupt leaders who got it there in the first place. They must enact reforms in the interest of self-preservation

المقال بالعربي Ever since the October 17th protests last year and the subsequent resignation of the last Hariri government, Lebanon has been going through one economic and financial crisis after the other. Be it a deep economic recession that was followed by an even worse banking liquidity crisis that culminated in Lebanon’s first ever default […]

A Case For Regulators Seizing Lebanon’s Banks

A case for seizing Lebanon’s banks. A twitter thread published December 24, 2019 1. #Lebanon is undergoing a massive financial crisis on a scale that rivals that of Greece & Cyprus. Its worst manifestation is a banking crisis that has shut out depositors from accessing their paychecks. See @EHSANI22, @lebfinance, @AndyKhalil1 & @wael_atallah for background […]